Bob Cancalosi

About Bob Cancalosi

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So far Bob Cancalosi has created 87 blog entries.

When it’s good it’s good and when it’s bad it’s bad

2019-02-22T19:11:35+00:00February 22nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

No philosophical points of view or reflective questions in this blog, just a medical update on another uphill climb. I'm on day 18 of debilitating and excruciating pain from the bone thats exposed from the hole behind my ear. The bone is infected and I have a CT early next week to assess the degree

Reflective Thoughts to Share on Feb 3rd, 2019

2019-02-03T19:49:36+00:00February 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

It's Superbowl Sunday and I'm indifferent as to which team wins as I enjoy the TV commercials the most. It's always interesting to see what companies will pay $1M dollars for a 30 second slot! Wish they would just give the $1M to those in need. In the meantime, 5 Updates to Share: 1. Do

5 More Really Good Life Lessons

2018-11-30T02:22:57+00:00November 30th, 2018|Uncategorized|

So many great people are sending me very reflective content to think about on the important lessons in life. If you remember I had a post on STROKES and this contribution from my mentor and friend Steve Patscot really hits the spot! Enjoy! Bob 5 Life Lessons from a Stroke (from Steve Cunahan) September 4th

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