Four Loops Learning

About Four Loops Learning

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So far Four Loops Learning has created 52 blog entries.

The Power of a Reflective Fortnight

2020-03-15T16:32:42+00:00March 15th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

As an avid journaler for the past two decades, I was asked last week a few times of how to get started on journaling if one is quarantined for two weeks (aka a fortnight). First of all, I recommend you find the silver lining in this unprecedented time and use this time as a gift

Why Boston?

2020-02-15T19:38:58+00:00February 15th, 2020|Blog|

I keep on being asked why Barb and I keep on coming back to Boston and it's important to tell you why via a story with 10 important real life attributes. And the medical student asked the professor, what are the attributes of a great Dr.? The professor thought about it for a while and

2 Decades of Journaling- So What Did You Learn?

2019-12-31T19:50:38+00:00December 31st, 2019|Blog|

My wife Barb asked me that as the year 2020 approaches what have I learned about myself over the last decade of journaling. I have been deeply reflecting on this for the past week or so and keep realizing that she really asked me a profoundly gigantic question that needed some research as there was

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